Wednesday, May 14, 2008

He's Semi-Back!

Hey kids. I realize I'm been on a month+ unannounced blog break but a few things caught up with me:
Vacation - I went to the East Coast for a week to watch some baseball, get my Revolutionary War history on, and see some old friends. Highlights: DuPont Circle in Washington, DC, Independence hall and Pat's King of Steaks in Philadelphia, New York City (and the Millers!), the 'Bury, and everything Boston has to offer (including Allston Mass. aka Rat City, USA).

School - I started a class at work, am winding down a class at SMC, in full swing at a class at UCLA Extension, and start a class at USC next week.

Work - still sucks. There are two things that make it bearable (see above).

So I hope to get back to a semi regular posting schedule but instead of MWF, maybe Tuesday/Thursday? We'll see.

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